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Lagomed Aesthetic Treatment

The aesthetic industry has long focused on prolonging and restoring the health of skin cells to delay aging. However, many so-called innovations are just little more than cosmetic, with temporary fillers, and botulinum toxin in modifying your appearance for fleeting moments.

The latest trend in facial aesthetics is ‘collagen banking’.

At Lagomedic, we recognize the benefits of this skin savvy treatment by investing in the ‘collagen bank’ to sustain youthful, revitalized skin in the longer term. Better still, if it is used as preventative measures. Our non-invasive Ultra Thread Lift transforms the skin via natural lifting and tightening effects, in order to achieve a well-defined jawline or natural looking face lift with improvement in skin quality. We reckon it as be a growing trend from 2022.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help by completing the form or contacting you.

    Facial AestheticsBody ContouringSkin WhiteningAnti-Aging Therapy